Thursday, August 25, 2016

Here a cookie...there a cookie

Well I needed to make some cookies for my husband to take to work with him in his lunch. But I needed to make them like two days ago. I scoured my cookbooks and my recipe cards for something quick and easy to make. No luck, well there were several that I could have chosen but I probably would have ended up eating all of them before he got home. I have visions of peanut butter cookies dancing in my head. Thank goodness for my friend Dee. She had given me her recipe for droop cookies just a few weeks ago.  Now I am not a fan of drop cookies, no not by a long shot, BUT my Jaybob, that is another story. He absolutely, positively loves a drop cookie. And hey I needed some brownie points (cuz I ran into some guys hitch and scratched my car... yeah another story for another time) and well I am not above bribing my baby!!! So I whipped up a batch of these easy cookies and having never made anything like this before, I will say they were really easy to make. A couple of helpful hints to make the process go more smoothly..
1) Have all of your ingredients measured out and ready to go before you start to cook
2) Have both of your baking sheets lined with waxed paper and ready to go
3) Go.. lol
So if you need some bribery ammo.. here ya go.

What you'll need:

1/2 c. butter
2 c. sugar
1/2 c. milk
4 tbl. cocoa
1/2 c. smooth peanut butter
2 tsp. vanilla
3-3 1/2 c. oats

What you'll do:

Add first 4 ingredients to saucepan (use one large enough that you can add the oats to), over medium heat till all ingredients are combined and butter is melted.
Turn up the heat and bring mixture to a boil and hold for 1 minute.
Remove from heat.
Add peanut butter, stir until it's melted.
Add vanilla.
Mix in the oats (you may need to add more than 3 cups to make it a drop consistency).
Using a spoon (well I used two one to drop and one to assist the drop spoon) drop mixture onto waxed paper.
Let cool and set.

I have no idea how long these will keep.. all I know is they didn't last long enough for Jaybob to take some in his lunch all week.. smh!! Boy loves his cookies!


Thursday, August 11, 2016

Today's Adventure.. Ms. Kaye's Pasta Salad

Ms. Kaye's Pasta Salad

So while I have been wanting to do this project for such a long time, being off from work for a bit has been the catalyst that I have been needing.
A little backstory..just to get you caught up...

My husband (aka Jaybob, and no, not his real name) and I moved out of the city in December last year, and into our house in January.  When we lived in the city it was so very easy to go out to eat.  No matter if I had made a menu, shopped for the week, and even laid out the meat for supper.  If after I got home from work and didn't "feel" like cooking...we went out to eat---and this was all of the time!! Now don't get me wrong.. I cook.. well sometimes, if I feel like it, and it's gloomy outside, and it's not a weekend or a Monday or Thursday or.. ok ok I cook every once in a while.  This was especially true while we were remodelling our house.  Any excuse not to fire up that stove!!

Ok so now here we are, at least 30 minutes from a restaurant ( well the small town 20 minutes from us really doesn't have a big choice of places to eat).. and by the time Jaybob gets home from work and we could even get to a restaurant it would be 8pm.. naw.. that is way to late for me to eat. So what did I decide to do?  Hold on to your hats kids,,, Cook... yep you heard right... COOK.  So I started.. I know how to fix a couple of things, not a huge variety (like I like to eat anyway). And that lands us where I am today.. starting a youtube channel, and a blog. Oh wait, cannot forget the facebook page and instagram and... you know the drill.

Why Burnt Toast??? Because I burn stuff all the time.. so much in fact that the alarm company knows that around 5:30 or so if we have a fire alarm,, I am cooking.. true story!! And Adventures in Cooking... well it is always some type of adventure whenever it involves myself or my sweetie Jaybob.. bless his heart.. he just shakes his head at me and grabs hold of my hand and comes along!!

So today on my youtube channel you will find me making Ms. Kaye's Pasta Salad.  It is such a quick and easy summertime salad, you will find yourself making a big batch and taking it with you for lunch.. add some grilled chicken and presto... easy peasy lunch!   Watch the video here:

Here is the recipe..

You'll need:

1 16 oz. box bowtie pasta
1 cup chopped cucumbers
1 cup chopped cherry tomatoes
Italian dressing
I added chopped kalamata olives and garbanzo beans to mine.. soooo yummy!

What you'll need to do:

Cook the pasta according to directions on the box, making sure not to overcook it.
While the pasta is cooking, chop cucumbers, tomatoes and any other vegetable you wish to add.
When pasta is finished, drain and rinse under cold water (stopping the noodles from further cooking and becoming mushy--and no one likes mushy pasta salad!!).  Drain pasta and then dump in a large bowl (I know such technical terms).. add your cut up veggies and pour some of the dressing over the top of mixture.  Mix and add more dressing if you like,, just make it to the consistency that you prefer.  Take a taste and see if you need to add any salt (I never need to since the dressing has all the salt that I need).  Cover and store in the fridge.

So now as I sit here while supper is cooking, I wonder,,, where will my next food adventure take us?